Friday, May 1, 2009

I loved the 6 Academy Classes

Hi Joe and Staff, I loved the 6 academy classes. What a revelation on mistakes and myths still prevalent in gyms today as well as all the information shared. As a businessman, I have been to the gamut of seminars. PROPTA are life changers. I have changed my workouts to conform to what we have learned and am plowing through the written material and recommended books. I need to be assigned to a IFBB Pro in Venice for the internship hours as well as the Weight Loss/Nutritional internship.
The UnTrainer will be born among the population who have given up on their weight loss resolutions or are struggling to get the results denied to 97% of those trying to lose fat. They perish for lack of correct and efficient knowledge as well as the fear of commitment to a greater life. The UnTrainer will teach his clients how to be:
Empowered by Food, not Overpowered by Food. The UnTrainer will help Reverse the Curse of Muscle loss in older populations and relieve the neurosis of the constant diet fanatic. Obesity is a symptom. Dieting is a Disease.
Just practicing some thoughts for a seminar I am writing for next year...

Thank You,
Gary Smith

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